We offer solutions adapted to your needs and can provide you with the best options available for your project.
Located in Hong Kong, we can get your prototypes made by the best manufacturers in the region and quickly ship them to you when they are finished, wherever you are.
We always keep up with the latest technological advances in our field so we can advise you on your project the best way possible.
Whether you require some assistance or a complete turnkey solution, we provide the professional expertise you need. We have significant experience in industrial and home automation, image processing, and high performance computing. We do the research, the design, the documentation and the testing so you can focus on your own expertise. If you need help on your next IoT product or need assistance to make your idea happen, we can help you.
If you need flexibility in your design without sacrificing performance, then FPGAs are a good choice for you. This technology allows you to run image and signal processing applications significantly faster than a software approach with the same level of flexibility. For more information, please send us a message.
Our hardware design expertise includes digital electronics design, PCB layout and a close collaboration with carefully selected local manufacturers in Hong Kong and China to get your design made faster and cheaper without sacrificing the quality.
We provide software design expertise for embedded systems using various processor or microcontroller architectures: ARM, AVR, MicroBlaze, Nios and PIC. Whether you need your own homebrewed Arduino-based system or a full-featured embedded Linux operated system, we can make your idea a reality.
If you would like to know more, please contact us at info@wazo-tek.com